Carbohydrate-free diet: menu and food table for diabetics, athletes, weight loss

Low-carbohydrate diets have been known for a long time and are used not only in nutrition, but also for medicinal purposes. The menu of a carbohydrate-free diet is diverse, the table of allowed foods (vegetables, fruits, cereals, etc. ) includes a large number of items and dishes.

What is a no-carbohydrate diet (keto diet)

A carbohydrate-free diet is a nutritional system, aimed at limiting the absorption of carbohydrates in the body and eating mainly protein foods with a small amount of fat, mainly of vegetable origin.

Benefits of a carbohydrate-free diet

carbohydrate-free diet, compared to similar dietary restrictions for weight loss,has the following advantages:

  • significant weight loss;
  • moderation of hunger pangs;
  • normalization of blood sugar;
  • positive effect on brain function;
  • low effect on heart and blood vessels;
  • Reducing the risk of developing cancerous tumors.

The benefits of the technique are associated with a reduction or almost complete elimination of glucose from the daily diet. Glucose, or other molecules that can be converted into glucose, is found in all carbohydrate-containing foods, whether grains, legumes, starchy vegetables, fruits, sweeteners, and nuts, seeds, and vegetables.

diet phases

Due to the flow of ketosis in the body, this diet method is also known as the keto diet.. In order for the process to start completely and active fat burning to begin, 4 phases must be completed:

stage particularities


Carbohydrates enter the body in the amount of 20 g only in the morning, and in the remaining time to provide energy, it absorbs glucose from its own reserves.


The body stops being replenished with glucose and begins to use up the glycogen contained in the muscles and liver. After 2-3 days, the fat burning process accelerates, since the lack of carbohydrates becomes more and more noticeable, and the body more actively uses alternative energy reserves.


The phase begins after 3-4 days when carbohydrates are almost running out. Energy is generated by burning fats first and then proteins. In the first week, the menu should contain a large amount of protein food (up to 3-4 g per 1 kg of human weight).


Starts in a week. The aim is to consolidate the results achieved. The body has already gotten used to the lack of carbohydrates and supplies itself with energy through increased fat burning. The process of ketosis is only fully started with the onset of the 4th stage.

What to eat and how to make a menu

The daily calorie content of meals on a carbohydrate-free weight loss system should be 1200 kcal for women and no more than 2100 kcal for men. The diet should include meat, fish, seafood, milk, dairy products, cheese, nuts and grains. To balance carbohydrates, you need to add vegetables, beans, citrus fruits, fruits and tea without sugar in a small amount. The weekly menu can be composed using the table of allowed products.

Chart with carbohydrates and calories

product carbohydrates Shirov Belkow calories
Dried Vobla 0, 0 5. 5 46. 4 235. 1
salmon caviar 0, 0 13. 8 31. 6 250. 6
sturgeon caviar 0, 0 9th 7th 28. 9 202. 9
turkey breast fillet 0, 0 0, 8 4/24 104. 8
tuna fillet 0, 0 4th 3rd 4/24 136. 3
Dutch cheese 0, 0 30. 5 7/23 369. 3
Maasdam cheese 0, 0 30. 5 7/23 369. 3
canned salmon 0, 0 6th 6th 5/23 153. 4
Mackerel Atlantic 0, 0 6th 4th 4/23 151. 2
marble cheese 0, 0 29. 0 23. 0 353, 0
Smoked processed cheese sausage 0, 0 19. 0 23. 0 263, 0
Tuna in a can 0, 0 0, 7 5/22 96. 3
Salted Pink Salmon 0, 0 9. 0 22. 1 169. 4
processed cheese 0, 0 27. 0 22. 0 331. 0
Fresh pink salmon 0, 0 7. 0 21. 0 147, 0
Canned pink salmon 0, 0 5th 8th 20. 9 135. 8
beef 0, 0 2nd 6th 20. 3 104. 6
beef tenderloin 0, 0 2nd 8th 20. 2 106. 0
salmon fresh 0, 0 11. 0 20. 2 179. 8
Salted Salmon 0, 0 11. 0 20. 2 179. 8
salted salmon 0, 0 11. 0 20. 2 179. 8
Roquefort cheese 0, 0 28. 0 20. 0 332, 0
Veal category 1 0, 0 2. 0 7/19 96. 8
Whole turkey (Category 1 carcass) 0, 0 22. 0 19. 5 276, 0
pork tenderloin 0, 0 7. 1 19. 4 141. 5
river perch 0, 0 0, 9 18. 5 82. 1
Zander fillet with skin 0, 0 1st 1st 18. 4 83. 5
Whole walleye 0, 0 1st 1st 18. 4 83. 5
cod fillet 0, 0 1st 1st 18. 4 83. 5
pike 0, 0 1st 1st 18. 4 83. 5
flounder 0, 0 1st 3rd 18. 2 84. 5
beef liver 0, 0 3rd 7th 17. 9 104. 9
crucian carp 0, 0 1st 8th 7/17 87, 0
Herring km 0, 0 19. 5 7/17 246. 3
Baltic sprat salted 0, 0 7th 6th 17. 1 136. 8
Fresh uncut bream 0, 0 4. 1 17. 1 105. 3
lamb porridge 0, 0 14. 4 17. 0 197. 6
Hind leg of lamb on the bone 0, 0 14. 4 17. 0 197. 6
Salted herring 0, 0 8. 5 17. 0 144. 5
scallop s/m 0, 0 1st 1st 16. 7 76. 7
Gutted sturgeon with head 0, 0 10. 9 16. 4 163. 7
Sturgeon fillet with skin without cartilage 0, 0 10. 9 16. 4 163. 7
chicken eggs (yolk) 0, 0 30. 5 16. 1 338. 9
beef heart 0, 0 3. 5 16. 0 95. 5
king crab 0, 0 3rd 6th 16. 0 96. 4
pollock 0, 0 0, 9 15. 9 71. 7
Duck (slaughter class 1) 0, 0 38. 0 15. 8 405. 2
lamb lung 0, 0 2nd 3rd 15. 6 83. 1
beef lung 0, 0 4th 7th 15. 2 103. 1
beef kidney 0, 0 2nd 8th 15. 2 86, 0
Whole goose (processed 1st category carcass) 0, 0 39. 0 15. 2 411. 8
Capelin fresh 0, 0 7. 1 13. 1 116. 3
Smoked carbonate (raw smoked loin) 0, 0 47. 4 10. 5 468. 6
chicken eggs (protein) 0, 0 0, 0 9. 0 36. 0
sea kale 0, 0 0, 2 0, 9 5th 4th
chicken soup 0, 0 0, 0 0, 0 0, 0
Meatsoup 0, 0 0, 0 0, 0 0, 0
Meat and Bone Broth 0, 0 0, 0 0, 0 0, 0
fish broth 0, 0 0, 0 0, 0 0, 0
Peanut oil unrefined 0, 0 92, 0 0, 0 828. 0
Unrefined walnut oil 0, 0 92, 0 0, 0 828. 0
Unrefined sesame oil 0, 0 92, 0 0, 0 828. 0
Extra virgin olive oil 0, 0 92, 0 0, 0 828. 0
Refined olive oil 0, 0 99, 9 0, 0 899. 1
Truffle flavored olive oil 0, 0 92, 0 0, 0 828. 0
Sunflower oil, unrefined 0, 0 92, 0 0, 0 828. 0
Refined sunflower oil 0, 0 99, 9 0, 0 899. 1
Boneless Chicken 0, 1 11. 0 3/21 184. 6
chicken legs 0, 1 11. 0 3/21 184. 6
chicken wing 0, 1 11. 0 3/21 184. 6
Chopped chicken thighs 0, 1 11. 0 3/21 184. 6
Fresh butter mushrooms 0, 5 0, 7 2nd 4th 17. 9
fresh mushrooms 0, 5 1st 2nd 2nd 2nd 6/21
Fresh mushrooms 0, 5 0, 8 1st 8th 16. 4
quail eggs 0, 6 13. 1 11. 9 167. 9
chicken eggs 0, 7 11. 5 7/12 157. 1
cheese feta 1st 5th 20. 2 15. 6 250. 2
Low-fat cottage cheese 1st 8th 0, 6 18. 0 84. 6
broccoli 1st 8th 0, 9 4th 4th 32. 9
green salad 2nd 3rd 0, 2 1st 5th 17. 0
cucumbers 2nd 6th 0, 1 0, 8 14. 5
Fat cottage cheese 2nd 8th 18. 0 14. 0 229. 2
lemon 3. 0 0, 1 0, 9 16. 5
asparagus 3rd 2nd 0, 1 1st 9th 3/21
walnut kernel 3rd 3rd 68. 5 7/14 688, 5
shallot 3rd 3rd 0, 2 1st 5th 21. 0
sunflower seeds) 3rd 4th 52. 9 7/20 572. 5
pumpkin seed 3rd 4th 52. 9 7/20 572. 5
Yoghurt 1. 5% fat 3. 5 1st 5th 5. 0 47. 5
Low-fat kefir 3rd 8th 0, 1 3. 0 7/27
radish 3rd 8th 0, 1 1st 2nd 20. 9
tomatoes 3rd 8th 0, 2 1st 1st 4/21
pine nut 4. 0 68. 6 14. 0 689. 4
Ryazhenka 6% fat 4. 1 6. 0 3. 0 82. 4
green dill 4. 1 0, 5 2nd 5th 30. 9
sauerkraut 4th 5th 0, 1 1st 7th 6/25
cauliflower 4th 5th 0, 3 2nd 5th 7/30

What foods should be excluded from the diet

High-carb foods include soda, cake, and candy. They should definitely be excluded.

Products that are prohibited and restricted for the menu of a carbohydrate-free diet are included in the table below:

grain products

On a no-carb diet, you need to eliminate all baked goods options, be it buns, bagels, cookies, cakes. All of these products are high in carbohydrates. This applies to wholemeal breads as well as to products made from refined flours. Most grains are also rich in carbohydrates, they are forbidden foods for a carbohydrate-free diet. These include rice and oats.

sweet fruits

Most fruits should not be eaten on a carbohydrate-free diet. The optimal daily portion is one cup. For example, just one apple contains 21 g of carbohydrates. And the sweeter the fruit, the more carbohydrates.

starchy vegetables

Vegetables are a source of fiber. Its properties are such that, like a brush, it cleans all toxins, food particles from the intestines, thereby removing excess weight and normalizing sugar.

However, vegetables contain not only fiber, but also starch, which is unacceptable on a carbohydrate-free diet, they should be excluded from the menu.


A portion of cooked pasta contains 44 g of carbohydrates, of which 4 g is dietary fiber.


Beer isn't high enough in carbohydrates to avoid it altogether. But you can't abuse it either, because even 1 can of light beer contains 6 g of carbohydrates.

Sweetened Yoghurt

Homemade yogurt contains some carbohydrates, but that's only true if no sugar is added. If we talk about store-bought sweetened yogurt, then such a product contains as many carbohydrates as there is in a sweet dessert. For example, fruit yoghurt contains about 49 g of carbohydrates, even ice cream has less carbohydrates with the same amount of carbohydrates.


They are high in fiber and carbohydrates.

honey or sugar in any form

There is a lot of sugar in cookies, sweets and cakes. Aside from being high in sugar, they have virtually no benefit to the body.

Dry Snacks

Carbohydrates found in chips and crackers can quickly be stored as extra weight. 1 pack of chips = 19 g carbohydrates. Also, chips and other similar products are usually consumed in large quantities.

Soft drinks

Soft drinks are made with added sugar and are low in nutrients.

It's important to choose foods that are nutritious, high in protein but low in carbohydrates.

Table of allowed products

High-protein foods allowed on a no-carb diet
List of recommended food groups Food


Any kind: beef, pork, lamb, game, poultry. You can eat meat fat, chicken skin.


Boiled, fried, scrambled eggs, omelettes - in every form.

fish and seafood

They eat all kinds of oily fish, both river and sea fish. However, it is necessary to avoid breading products during cooking.

natural fat

To make dishes from the daily menu tastier, adding butter and cream will help. The use of coconut oil and olive oil is also welcome.

above ground vegetables

All types of cabbage, rose hips, pak choi, spinach, asparagus, zucchini, eggplant, olives, spinach, cucumber, tomatoes.

Dairy products

These include real butter, cream (40% fat), yogurt and sour cream, and cheese. Reduced-fat milk should be consumed with caution, as such products contain a lot of lactose.


Any berries are suitable to replace the usual sweets.


You can substitute popcorn, candy, or chips for almonds and cashews without abuse.


This is a source of protein. Mushrooms meet all the requirements of the described diet.

How long can you eat carbohydrate-free?

A carbohydrate-free diet should have a purely individual application period. You need to focus on well-being, health status and weight. It happens that after a week of dietary nutrition there is a significant loss of strength. In this case, many people switch to the usual good diet and do not achieve the desired results in losing weight.

The result of girls losing weight on a carbohydrate-free diet

Others not only achieve the desired results after several months of dieting, but even surpass them. In addition, their well-being is not neglected during the entire diet.

The average duration of a low-carb diet is 4 to 8 weeks.

Sample menu for the day

Oatmeal for breakfast on a carbohydrate-free diet
watch diet Remarks
7. 00 water Glass of water on an empty stomach
7th 30th water Half a glass of water
8. 00 breakfast Egg, scrambled eggs, porridge (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, millet), cottage cheese, kefir
9. 00 water A glass of water
10. 00 water A glass of water
10th 30th snack fruits or vegetables
11. 30 water A glass of water
12. 30 water A glass of water
13. 00 dinner Chicken, fish or beef with vegetables
14. 00 water A glass of water
15. 00 water A glass of water
16. 00 snack fruit, vegetables, dried fruit or nuts
17. 00 water A glass of water
18. 00 water A glass of water
19. 00 dinner Chicken, fish or beef with vegetables
20. 00 water A glass of water

Sample menu for the week

Products for the weekly diet menu with limited carbohydrates
days of the week The menu is carbohydrate free


  • Breakfast: Bake eggs with two pieces of bacon and a tomato and serve with herbs and unsweetened tea.
  • Lunch: Brussels sprouts cream soup with Parmesan cheese (200 g), tuna and cucumber salad, water with lemon zest.
  • Afternoon snack: a few apricots with homemade yoghurt, mint tea.
  • Dinner: Quail egg and chicken breast salad with iceberg lettuce, blueberry tea.


  • Breakfast: boiled chicken with cucumber slices instead of bread, steamed scrambled eggs with cheddar.
  • Lunch: Creamy soup with sea cocktail and beetroot salad with sesame, unsweetened tea.
  • Afternoon snack: A handful of currants with low-fat kefir.
  • Dinner: Fish rolls with soy sauce, herbal tea.


  • Breakfast: Bacon (2 minutes in the microwave, covered with kitchen paper). Microwave cheese omelette (mix 2 eggs, cheese, milk – hold 1 minute)
  • Lunch: veal steaks on a pillow of fennel and mushrooms, with chicory.
  • Afternoon snack: sardines with cucumber.
  • Dinner: Bacon wrapped chicken breast with cream cheese sauce, mineral water.


  • Breakfast: spinatomelette, unsweetened coffee.
  • Lunch: Creamy carrot and pea soup, braised veal curry, tea.
  • Afternoon snack: sour cream with a handful of blueberries or cranberries.
  • Dinner: salad with grated carrots and mushrooms with a piece of hard cheese, tea.


  • Breakfast: Ryazhenka with hard cheese cubes and a handful of nuts, warm unsweetened green tea.
  • Lunch: cabbage soup with a piece of meat and spinach salad, coffee.
  • Afternoon snack: cheese or pie on a cucumber slice instead of crackers.
  • Dinner: Brussels sprouts and brie salad, tea.


  • Breakfast: omelette with two eggs with herbs, tea with lemon zest.
  • Lunch: lasagna with zucchini, herring with beets, tea.
  • Snack: homemade yogurt and a handful of cherries, water.
  • Dinner: Braised rabbit with fennel, cucumber with quail eggs in a salad.


  • Breakfast: Foie gras and a slice of avocado with salad, coffee.
  • Lunch: Creamy beet soup, chicken breast with cheddar cheese, tea.
  • Afternoon snack: slices of cucumber with pie and mint tea.
  • Dinner: baked fish with spinach and grated cheese salad with a handful of flaxseeds, tea.

menu rules

The menu of a carbohydrate-free diet should be designed in such a way that products not included in the permissible table are not used - this is the main requirement.

Nutritionist Recommendations:

  1. Baked goods, cakes, cookies, and pastries are all high in carbohydrates and bad fats. You must learn to avoid beige products.
  2. Sodas, fruit juices, flavored milk and energy drinks are liquid sugar in a bottle.
  3. Cream soup is a good substitute for the usual soups and broths.
  4. Many meat dishes on the menu are good, but only if they are made from natural and fresh meat.
  5. Fish day is the key to success in the fight against weight.
  6. A piece of dark chocolate once a week will improve your mood.

What and how much should you drink on a carbohydrate-free diet?

The carbohydrate-free diet menu also includes drinks. When choosing according to the table of products, it is necessary to determine what effect they have on sugar and calorie content.

  • water. It is responsible for water-salt metabolism, it has zero carbohydrates and zero calories.
  • milk. It has a moderate amount of carbohydrates, but these must be taken into account if you drink around 100 ml of milk or more per day. In general, milk is useful because. is a source of energy for people who want to monitor their weight. Skim milk has half the calories of whole milk.
  • fruit juice. Despite the relatively high proportion of carbohydrates, fruit juice does not have to be completely eliminated from the menu. It can be drunk during intense exercise, as physical activity helps balance blood sugar levels. But it is important that it is natural and unsweetened fruit juice.
  • Sweet soft drinks. Sugary soft drinks have no nutritional value, they contain nothing but a large amount of sugar. They are allowed to be drunk only in a single case when it is necessary to increase the level of glucose in the blood, for example, before, during or after exercise.
  • diet soft drinks. Diet soft drinks contain artificial sweeteners and other artificial aids for sweetness, flavor, and color. Although soft drinks are considered safe, the research isn't that clear.

    The carbohydrate-free diet (menu and food table above) allows tea to be enjoyed in moderation. According to studies, tea is good for health, thanks to its use, insulin sensitivity increases and blood pressure is maintained at the right level.

    Those who like to drink tea with milk will be disappointed to find that when milk is added to the tea, all the beneficial properties are neutralized.

  • Coffee. You can drink unsweetened coffee as a breakfast supplement. But milk coffee like latte is a high-calorie drink that should be avoided.
  • Alcoholic drinks. When consuming alcohol, note:
    1. How does the drink affect blood sugar levels?
    2. the calorie content of the drink;
    3. whether alcohol interacts with a medication taken for health reasons.

    Alcoholic beverages can be responsible for raising and lowering blood sugar levels, so it's helpful to understand how different alcoholic beverages can affect sugar levels. Alcohol is a significant source of calories. For example, a bottle of regular beer contains 200 calories, which is equivalent to two eclairs.

types of diet

There are many low carb diets out there but only 3 of them are the most popular due to the effectiveness and quickness of the result.

  • permanent diet. The goal is to keep the amount of carbohydrates consumed each day and at each meal the same. Carbohydrates must be counted regularly. However, such a diet has many undesirable effects on the body, for example, chronic fatigue and absent-mindedness develop.
  • power diet. This option is optimal for athletes: before training, it is recommended to eat a small amount of carbohydrates, so that there is enough strength for active training in the gym. But you need to devote a lot of time to physical activity, otherwise it will be impossible to lose weight.
  • round option.The most popular option is circular nutrition. The essence is that within 6 days carbohydrates are not consumed (only a small amount of grains and vegetables are allowed in the diet) and the processing of one's own fat reserves is activated. On the 7th day, you can eat carbohydrate-containing food until lunch. Portion sizes are crucial no matter what diet a person chooses.

A carbohydrate-free diet using one of these methods(with the preparation of an individual menu according to the product table) -ideal for anyone who wants to shed extra pounds as quickly as possible.

Characteristics of a carbohydrate-free diet in diabetes

A carbohydrate-free diet is recommended by nutritionists for diabetics. Subject to the preparation of an individual menu according to the table of acceptable foods, such a diet is suitable for normalizing weight and blood sugar levels.

Eat a vegetable salad on a low-carb diet to help curb hunger pangs

So that the feeling of hunger is not constant, it is recommended to include more green vegetables, beets and tomatoes in the diet. The use of fermented milk products, cheese and oatmeal will help solve digestive problems.

The diet can be used by people with different types of blood cholesterol problems - high or low levels. If you follow strict rules, you can normalize metabolism and cholesterol levels without the use of drugs.

Features of the diet for athletes

The low carbohydrate content is offset by a high intake of protein products, and since protein has a positive effect on growth and muscle building, the diet can be recommended for strength athletes and bodybuilders.

The diet typically begins with consuming a daily serving of sugar, which is about 58% of normal. The reduction of carbohydrates in the diet should be done gradually.

The main problem for athletes following a carbohydrate-free diet is the need to choose foods that are high in protein, but at the same time low in fat and carbohydrates. It is recommended to add small portions of brown rice, lentils and flour with bran to the diet.

You need to eat enough slow carb vegetables. These are celery, asparagus, cabbage, cucumbers, radishes, rhubarb, spinach, tomatoes.

How to get off the diet

A gradual exit from a carbohydrate-free diet is a guarantee of maintaining the achieved result. You can not immediately rush into what was forbidden on the first day - you need to gradually increase the amount of carbohydrates and calculate their amount in the food you eat. If you need to repeat the weight loss, you can return to the diet table after a week of exit.

You should increase the amount of vegetables and fruits and follow a dietary drinking regime. Sweets should be rare guests on the table. It is advisable to make a habit of replacing sweet foods with dried fruits.

For physical activity it is necessary to visit the gym and swimming pool. A contrast shower is useful for healing and physical training. Evening walks are also recommended.

Results: before and after photos

Girl before and after losing weight on a no-carb dietBefore and after a low carb dietThe process of losing weight on a carbohydrate-free diet

diet costs

The carb-free table contains the common products that are easy to buy at any time of the year. Most of the products on the diet menu are meat products, which are expensive, so a week's meal on a carb-free table is quite expensive.


A low carbohydrate diet is contraindicated in patients with the following medical conditions:

  • pyruvate carboxylase deficiency;
  • porphyria;
  • Disorders of lipid metabolism.

Possible side effects:

  • Migraine;
  • muscle weakness and fatigue;
  • nausea.

A diet menu of recommended (dietary approved) foods is generally not recommended for adults with epilepsy. In some cases, low-carbohydrate diet options with fewer carbohydrate intake restrictions are considered more beneficial for adolescents and adults.

A carbohydrate-free diet contributes to improving well-being in metabolic diseases, diabetes, high blood pressure and other heart and vascular diseases. A sample menu and a table of allowed foods will help you quickly understand the diet and quickly achieve results in normalizing body weight and improving well-being.